Science Of Everything


Einstein's 'secret' was consciousness.

Consciousness expands capability like nothing else.

Einstein believed consciousness was a choice.

Once again, he was right, especially now.

Do you want everything better, simpler, and easier, for everyone, everywhere?

Do you want to embed and democratize consciousness?

New Discovery

The recent discovery of the Science Of Everything (SOE) means we can now learn HOW to do science, business, and government relatively effortlessly like Einstein:

consciously – 'whole-brain' – 'think different' – existential – transcendent – verdant – limitless – from the heart rather than from ego.

Consciousness unlocks discretionary effort, drives up engagement, and remediates costly dysregulation and dysfunction like no other.

"Human-led, tech-powered" (PwC)

People Science can and will also contribute far more to the economy than Tech Science has, and perhaps quicker too.

Your city, state, or country can become a (or the) leading global Science, Technology, and Economic hub with an unprecedented upgrade of all the dimensions of National Security, especially social and economic.

The SOE is being deployed via a simple competitive process that starts with licensing and validation.

The license costs $1 to $2 US per person per week.

Requesting a written quote takes a minute or two.


Theory of Everything

CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest machine, and most powerful supercomputer system, ever built.

The LHC is a key part of “The Quest for a Theory of Everything” (TOE) in physics.

Countless researchers, including Einstein, have spent many decades and billions of dollars pursuing the TOE.

Science Of Everything

They have just been beaten – by an even bigger discovery – the Science Of Everything (SOE).

Houston, we have a Solution

The SOE solves seemingly impossible problems that are too complex for AI (Artificial Intelligence).

For example, what are the optimal people and technology lever settings to make a company as productive as Google, or as popular as Apple?

(Google generates about $1.5 million in revenue per employee. Google has almost two hundred thousand employees!)

(Apple's market capitalization has grown 1,500 times, following near bankruptcy, and the choice to "think different". This has been described as "a corporate renaissance unparalleled in American business history." Apple stores look like fan clubs.) 

Another example: how do we "emancipate the mind" to replicate China's astounding and unprecedented economic renaissance?

Houston, we have a Problem

If we need an even more compelling reason to mobilize immediately, there is one, and it is twice the size of world GDP:

How can we remediate the $210 trillion Kotlikoff Sinkhole before it implodes?

The Kotlikoff Sinkhole refers to unfunded US federal liabilities, which are off-balance-sheet, and officially understated (Economist Laurence Kotlikoff). The $31 trillion US debt (ceiling) is part of the Kotlikoff Sinkhole.

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) 2023 "Budget and Economic Outlook," the situation (Kotlikoff Sinkhole) is getting worse fast, while inaction persists.


The 2007/8 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was a small glimpse of what implosion of the Kotlikoff Sinkhole would look like. The GFC Timeline in Wikipedia reads like the never-ending plot of a financial horror movie. We do not want such a situation ever again. And yet we are nightmarishly close, to far worse...

By some measures the notional value of the derivatives market is 20 times world GDP. The GFC perfect storm likewise gave us a small glimpse of the instability of this capricious colossus fueled by hubris, greed and ego. 

There is hope

The SOE is the only SOLUTION big and powerful enough to switch trajectory.

A transition is inevitable since dysregulation and dysfunction is not indefinitely sustainable.

The SOE means inaction is no longer excusable. It is time to stop playing ostrich. It is time to stop kicking the can down the road. It is time for action.

We can still choose if the transition will be orderly or chaotic.

The sooner we do so, the better our chances.

As Steve Jobs repeatedly told current Corning Glass CEO, Wendell Weeks: 

"Don't be afraid. You can do it!"

In the media

New Discovery in Science:
we can now upgrade humans

Global Distribution of Wealth
Wikimedia CC BY-SA 4.0. Adapted by HiS

In honor of Einstein 'the great integrator'

Thanks to Einstein, in a world-first,
on 02 December 2022,
the Science Of Everything (SOE)
was finally distilled and synthesized.

The SOE is arguably the most valuable discovery in the history of science, business, and government.

Links to media stories about this discovery will be added here.


Rampant rapaciousness is self-defeating

A simple process

Simple Deployment Process

Einstein's limitless thought processes and methods have only ever been used partially.

Two examples:

◊ Apple increased 1,500 times in value (1997 - 2022)

◊ China increased its per capita GDP 100 times (1984 - 2019, current CNY)

Do you believe your city, state / province / region / territory, or country can equal or better results like this?

The process to deploy the SOE is simple. 

Consciousness is King

What is the smallest tweak you can make for the biggest improvement?


'Whole-brain' thinking!

Nothing else comes close.

Just ask Einstein and friends.

They used Conscious Compounding.

Sure, Passive Compounding is amazing.

Conscious Compounding however, is next level, by far.

Remediating misallocation of capital
is simple and relatively easy

When we switch to a higher level of consciousness our intelligence and outcomes
expand exponentially, and relatively effortlessly. Just ask Einstein and friends.

Switching starts with a simple choice. Please make that choice today.

Passive Compounding

More than a hundred years ago Einstein plainly explained and demonstrated that the current 'left-brain' only curve is outdated and is holding back human progress.

Countless leaders, companies, cities, states and countries have died on this curve and will increasingly continue to do so. Passive bystanders are at enormous risk too.

Conscious Compounding

On 02 Dec 2023, the thinking/methods of Einstein were finally distilled, synthesized, simplified, & codified. They are now replicable. It is now a simple matter of choice.

Leaders, companies, cities, states and countries who choose to "jump to the next curve" will survive and thrive (Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist, Apple and now Canva).

Get a head start now

The license costs $1 to $2 US per person per week, and includes a bonus: two simple baseline (risk) audit tools.

Requesting a written quote takes a minute or two.

Our Purpose
"Reimagining Human Potential"

"We know more than we think"
academic Marta Sinclair

"We know more than we can tell"
polymath Michael Polanyi, paraphrase